Смотрю первый диск, черно белое кино с японскими титрами

vovan_k писал(а):Ну я изредка то смотрю, порой просто звук с LD идет, а телек не включен.Вот дал Игорь дисков, включил, смотрю, там как бы ШОУ, а так вон Эрик Клаптанбаев вчера пел так я телек и не включал.
djl писал(а):Hello.....
djl писал(а):Hello. Sorry for speaking in English, but it's the only forgein language that I know (when I was young I wanted to study Russian, but there was no more Russian in Romanian schools).
Browsing on "Google" about Русь 501 I found out that there was also ВП-201/Amfiton ВП-201 and that the Russian made also LaserDiscs!!!, not just LaserDisc players.
Well, I'm very curios:
1) Did ВП-201 was a good-working machine and can work today or it was a bad machine with problems and is hard to be repaired?;
2) Русь 501 and ВП-201 where capable of playing P.A.L. discs or they where made for the S.E.C.A.M. sistem?;
3) The discs where good or they are suffering from LaserRot?;
4) Where in Russia did they printed the discs?;
5) How you are calling in Russian LaserDisc(s)?
6) Did the titles with "Nu, pogodi" and the one with icons where the only one to be printed in Russia?
6) How hard is to find Russian Made LaseDiscs and LaserDisc players? People are surprised to find out about LaserDiscs, but when you'll show them Russian stuff they will be very shocked! And "Nu, pogodi" was a favourite cartoon for a lot of kids in Romania (1st seen it on Bulgarina television in the '80's).
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